3 Little Known Tips For Helping With Sleep Apnea Research

This may come as a surprise to you, but sleep apnea is more common than you think. Yes, while it might seem like you are the only one who suffers from sleep apnea, we’d be willing to be that at least a few of your close neighbors suffer from it to. Well, the information age now allows you to listen to thousands of different opinions and possible cures for whatever ails you. Sleep apnea is no different. Follow these three tips and you should be all set in your quest for more information.

1) Start with a basic search on multiple websites. Try the regulars like Yahoo, Google, and MSN. Try searching for ‘sleep apnea symptoms’ or ‘sleep apnea treatment.’ Getting multiple sources of information can only make your information quest easier. Some search engines are better for some types of information (Google seems to be especially handy for scientific searches) while others are not. Get a lot of different information sources.

2) Another great source of information for everything is wikipedia.org. While we definitely don’t recommend trying to treat your sleep apnea yourself based upon the information you find (always see a physician, we aren’t physicians and can’t give a medical opinion), wikipedia.org is a good place to start looking for any information as it is “user edited”. “User edited” means that anyone can conceivably change the information on wikipedia.org. It’s almost like a democracy of information presentation. It’s definitely worth a look in your sleep apnea research.

3) Don’t forget to look for information specifically on understanding sleep apnea. If you can’t understand what sleep apnea is, you are going to have a tough time even if you follow tips #1 and #2 to the letter. Get informed and try to understand what sleep apnea is. There are a ton of great resources out there if you look hard enough.


3 Lessons From The Biggest Loser

All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets - but not to watch the latest soap, or CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No - they are spellbound by the efforts of a small band of obese people trying to overcome the effects of years of overeating.

It's not surprising that for so many people this is compulsive viewing. Obesity is the new epidemic. Fat children lumber around school playgrounds while their overweight mothers fill shopping carts with wrong choices. Then... they sit down at night to watch The Biggest Loser. They see dramatic weight loss and startling new body shapes beginning to emerge. They want the same results - and they begin to think it might be possible.

But who has four or five hours a day to work out? Who can afford a personal trainer several times a week? And who has the luxury of their own personal adviser on calorie content and smart food choices? The answer is: not many people. But you have to remember that this is television: it's a false situation. As the players keep reminding themselves and the viewers: "This is a GAME. You have to make the most of your time here - it's going to be so much harder out in the real world."

IS it harder in the real world? Probably. But you can take lessons away from watching this reality show. You can make it work for you, as well as for the contestants. Here are three practical and useful lessons you can put to use immediately.

1. Put Weight Loss First.

In the Biggest Loser household WEIGHT LOSS COMES FIRST. Make it come first in your household, too. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It is. In fact, so simple that many people just overlook it. They try to fit exercise and meal planning around everything else in their lives, instead of making it a priority.

Think: what is most important: getting the weight off, and becoming fit enough to put years on your life - or watching another TV show? Sit down with a pen and paper and allot at least one hour a day to planning meals, recording what you eat, and doing some form of exercise. You've still got 23 hours left to do everything else!

2. E is for Exercise - and Enjoy!

What else do you notice in the Biggest Loser household? The more they exercise, the more they seem to enjoy it. Oh sure, they grunt and they groan; they sweat and they complain. But as the weeks go on, you'll hear them say things like: "I never thought I'd say that I look forward to working out - but now don't feel right if a day goes past without exercise!"

The secret to enjoying exercise is finding what's right for YOU. If you don't really enjoy the gym, look for other forms of exercise. You need a mix of cardio and resistance training - but it doesn't have to be on machines. Walk, swim, dance, climb hills, push a wheelbarrow in the garden... there are endless choices that can be fun for you. Research what happens to various muscle groups - and to your heart - when you exercise, and pick activities that you will enjoy.

3. Identify the Triggers.

Emotions run high when the contestants have to face their demons. Weight gain is rarely from just a physical cause. If you keep a food diary, and faithfully record not only what you eat but when (and why) you eat it, you'll soon see a pattern of emotional eating. What are YOUR triggers? Boredom? Tiredness? Family arguments?

Once you have identified these triggers, you can start working on strategies to defeat them. This can be as simple as challenging yourself every time you want food. ("Am I hungry - yes or no? If I'm not hungry, then why do I want to eat? Am I really just thirsty? If I'm running to the fridge because I'm upset, is there something else I can do to feel better? Is there a long-term solution that will fix this forever?" and so on.) If you're not yet ready to deal with the root cause, then be prepared with food that won't add to your problems with the resulting rolls of fat. Make sure that you have 'good' food at hand - but also food that you LIKE.

These are just three of the lessons that anyone can take away from watching The Biggest Loser. And you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it all by yourself.


Ginkgo Biloba and Tinnitus: A Possible Cure?

Ginkgo Biloba and Tinnitus: A Possible Cure?

Talk to any doctor about tinnitus - ringing in the ears - and you're likely to hear those fateful words: "there is no cure". There's nothing you can do for your tinnitus except learn to manage and cope with it - learn to tune it out. Why, then, are companies marketing specific herbal remedies for this common condition? What is the link between ginkgo biloba and tinnitus?

What Is Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo biloba herbal remedies are taken from the tree of the same name. This extract has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, and is commonly used in the Western world to enhance blood flow through the body. As such, it is used to treat or prevent a number of conditions related to the brain, including memory loss, Alzheimer's and dementia. It's also commonly used by tinnitus sufferers.

Has The Link Between Ginkgo Biloba And Tinnitus Been Proven?

As with many herbal treatments, more studies are needed to prove the link between ginkgo biloba and tinnitus. There have been some studies into its effects, however, which seem to suggest that it works no better than a placebo. The British Tinnitus Association (BTA), for example, found no noticeable effects on a study of 2000 tinnitus sufferers.

Should You Take It?

Despite the fact that studies suggest that ginkgo as ineffective as a treatment for tinnitus, it's not quite that simple. For one, many people swear by the remedy in helping to improve the symptoms. The BTA also claim that it has helped to improve general wellbeing in a number of patients which, in turn, has left them in a better state to manage and deal with their tinnitus psychologically.

Keeping yourself well, both in body and mind, it essential to fighting tinnitus. The more run down you get, the more likely it is that you'll focus on the ringing and the detrimental effect it has on your life. Staying healthy, through the use of safe natural supplements such as ginkgo biloba, is useful for keeping your tinnitus under control.

You should always check with a doctor before using any form of herbal supplement, as even natural treatments come with side effects and may interact with other medicine. That said, the main drawback of ginkgo biloba is the cost. Most tinnitus organizations recommend you try it if you can afford it; if you find it helps in any way, then keep using it to manage your tinnitus.


Antibacterial Cleaners: Can They Do More Harm Than Good?

The chances are that you probably own antibacterial cleaners, whether they are in the form of hand soap or cleaners for your kitchen and bathroom. But are these cleaners actually doing more harm than good?

Why Do We Need to Kill Bacteria?

It’s true that some bacteria can cause disease, illness and food poisoning. Many antibacterial cleaners promise to kill around 99% of bacteria, which helps to explain why they are so popular. After all, we all want to protect ourselves and our family from getting ill.

So Why Are Antibacterial Cleaners Bad for Our Health?

Unfortunately, antibacterial cleaners aren’t as good for us as they may seem. In the short term, their ingredients are known to irritate the skin (this is more of a problem with those that have been developed for cleaning purposes).

The FDA is currently looking into one of the major ingredients of antibacterial soaps: triclosan. Although the evidence isn't yet clear, it suggests it may have a harmful effect on humans (especially children). In the past, the FDA has also stated that there are no extra health benefits to using antibacterial soaps over regular soap and water.

Another long term result of using antibacterial products is that they make bacteria more resistant. This means that, over time, these antibacterial products will no longer be able to kill the germs they set out to kill in the first place.

The truth is that you don’t need to make your home sterile to protect yourself and your family. Bacteria is all around us, and being exposed to small amounts of it is what our body needs in order to build up its defenses against stronger bacteria. Studies have shown that sterile environments in childhood can actually lead to more allergies and other problems later in life.

The American Medical Associated (AMA) has warned against extensive use of such antibacterial cleaners for these reasons. When it comes to killing germs, simple measures like washing your hands often (with traditional rather than antibacterial soap) are a good way to protect against germs.


Free Weight Loss Tips: What You'll Need To Get Started On Your Goal

When it comes to free weight loss tips, it's not the "magic cures" that you should pay attention to, it's the real, solid advice that will set you on a healthy track for the rest of your life. And when you're starting a new weight loss goal, anything that'll make things easier on yourself is worth trying. With that in mind, here are 5 steps you should take at the start of your weight loss journey.

1) Buy A Scale: This is the first of the free weight loss tips and it's a very important one. You'll need to keep a scale not only to keep track of your weight, but also scales for the kitchen to weigh out proper portions of food. Many of us overeat when we don't strictly measure our portions!

2) Find Support: If you can find an exercise and/ or dieting buddy then you'll have support to continue even when things are at their most difficult. Studies show that dieting alongside someone else makes it a lot easier to meet your targets and set up healthy new habits. If there really isn't anyone who wants to join you, one of the best free weight loss tips is to at least confide in others and share specific goals that will keep yourself accountable.

3) Get A Notepad: You need a notepad to note down the foods you're eating, and even the exercises you're doing if that helps. Although it can be tedious, knowing exactly what goes into your body helps you to improve things little by little. You can also use your notepad as a place to vent if you're feeling frustrated, and to reinforce your goals to help motivate you to continue.

4) Go Through Your Cabinets: If you're going to be dieting then you don't want to have temptation all around you in your home. So go through all your cabinets and get rid of food that will lead you astray and won't serve you well. Then go shopping and buy plenty of healthy snacks, like fruit, that you can have on hand whenever you're feeling peckish.

5) Choose An Exercise Program: Now that you've got everything else sorted, it's time to work out the kind of exercise you want to do. Although you'll have to make sacrifices and sometimes do things you won't enjoy, you can cater your exercise to what feels best for you. This could mean starting by walking every day, or running x amount of miles on the treadmill. Whatever you do, make sure you put it into a solid plan!


Learning How Not To Worry: Breaking The Habit

Learning how not to worry is something many of us wish we could do. The truth is, we can. Although worry is inevitable in some situations, most of us worry far more than we need to. Worry has simply become a habit and, like all habits, it can be broken!

Understand Whether Worrying Can Be Productive

There are two types of worry. The first is the kind of worry that's good for us, that makes sure we take care of things we need to. The second kind of worry is just a waste of time and leads to mental exhaustion - this is the kind of worry over things that we have no control over.

Think carefully about what you're worrying about. Learning how not to worry means learning how to differentiate between the two types of worry. If it IS something you can do something about, make sure you take steps to do that. If you sit there doing nothing you'll only keep worrying. If you know you've done all that you can, and there's nothing more you can do, keep telling that to yourself to put it out of your mind.

Set Aside Dedicated Worry Time

If you find that you've got a lot of things on your mind, and they are legitimate things to worry about, try setting aside dedicated time every day to do the worrying. This could mean waiting until your partner is home from work so you can discuss productive solutions together, or it could simply mean taking half an hour to worry each day so that you'll feel a little better ignoring your worries later on.

Catch Yourself When You're Worrying

Learning how not to worry isn't always easy - many of us get carried away with worrying without even noticing! Sometimes we can be doing one thing and suddenly find our thoughts wandering, or we start looking up things on the internet related to our worry. Unless this is going to do something to solve a problem, it's a waste of time.

But how do you catch yourself? It is going to take practice. If you find yourself worrying at work, put a post-it on your computer or your desk. It doesn't have to say "stop worrying" - it could be as simple as a picture of a smiley face to remind you to take control of your thoughts again. You also need to be actively looking for worrying thoughts. You won't always catch worry out quickly, but you'll gradually catch yourself sooner and sooner.

Remember, learning how not to worry takes practice. At first you might not think that these strategies are working, but with practice you'll find that taking your mind away from your worries is easier and easier.


3 D's of sleeping pills

After reading this, I hope you can still sleep well. Sleep-inducing medicines, popularly known  as sleeping pills, have a reputation of helping people get some peace and quiet at night.  Sleep deprivation is such a difficult condition to have since it literally zaps a person's energy to do the more important things in life, at work and at home.  Specifically, it is used by chronic insomniacs who desperately need to get that well-deserved rest.  Insomniacs often flip over the hundreds of cable channels each night hoping to get tired enough to sleep.  For them, it does not matter if they sleep in from of the t.v. as long as they do get to sleep eventually.  But t.v. surfing loses its effectiveness after a few nights, leaving the insomniac up and awake the whole night, and, yes, bone-weary the next morning. Manic workloads, job-related stresses, and the ever-toxic idea of work itself leaves a person with no other option but to trust the “fast” relief. Studies show that people who are prone to stress and other everyday worries are the ones who would most likely resort to the use of sleeping pills.  Other studies, however, also show that long-term use of sleeping pills could cause unwanted side effects or health problems.  People who often take refuge or rely mostly on these sedatives are more prone to negative effects and even life-threatening situations as:

*Degradation of activities

    Studies prove that continuous use of sleeping pills can reduce brain cell activity, affect short-memory term and cause hang-overs. The aftermath of taking these sedatives may seem manageable, but in the long run, these effects may escalate into more serious problems such us forgetfulness and lack of focus. You wouldn't want to report to your workplace with confused and groggy, right? Also, it's a bad thing to forget certain work errands just because of sleeping pills.              

    Just like how the body forms its natural defense through the production of antibodies, the body may also develop an immunity to the drug.  The frequent intake of a certain drug would lessen the potency of the active ingredients. Eventually, the user would have to take higher doses of the drug, and be open to the risk of developing a drug dependence or addiction. Sleeping pill addiction is, in fact, fast becoming a common health concern.                    

*  Death

    People who use sleeping pills have undeniably higher mortality rates than those who don't. Sleep apnea patients are advised to refrain from taking sleep-inducing pills. As sedatives, sleeping pills tend to lengthen the pauses in breathing when one is asleep.  This situation can jeopardize the health of people with sleep apnea.  Every year, many cases of death are attributed to the effects of these drugs.   

    As the saying goes, we can buy luxurious bed but we can never purchase a good night's sleep. This proverbial statement just proves that many people are really struggling to board another express train to Dreamland. And the struggle goes on.  For some people, a good night's sleep is like a rare commodity. The artificial inducement of sleep may be necessary but caution must always be exercised to prevent sleeping pill overdose.  Getting some “shut-eye” with the help of a pill or two need not lead to the sleep of death.


3 “Must Do” - Steps To A Happier & Healthier Day

Losing weight and maintaining the weight loss for an extended period of time requires some simple lifestyle adjustments. As long as you keep your adjustments within a sustainable reach, you should be able to lose weight and keep it off without much shock and interruption to your daily life.

Not surprisingly, losing weight does not have to require extended trips to the gym or engagement in some fad diet. Here are there steps to a healthier day that can help you slim down on weight without slimming down on your free time.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise can make a difference in your body shape and in the way your body processes calories. When you exercise, you work your heart, mind and body. You are building your muscle mass, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of your metabolism.

Additionally, you encourage your heart to pump blood throughout your body more effectively, which means that you will have healthier blood and a reduced risk of heart disease. You reduce fatty deposits, which in turn helps reduce your risk of many health problems, such as diabetes. You also increase the number of endorphins that flow through your body, which means that you will note an increase in your positive attitude.

It does not require a large amount of time exercising to receive all of the above benefit. You simply need to workout regularly for a minimum of half an hour. Working out means taking a two-mile walk at a fast pace, throwing a Frisbee or riding a bicycle. Whatever the workout is, keep in mind that it should elevate your heart above it standing heart rate and it should make you breathe slightly heavier than normal. It is also good if you can break a sweat or feel your muscles challenged.

Eat All Things in Moderation

When you are trying to lose weight or sustain lost weight, it is vital that you allow yourself to eat all foods, but eat the unhealthy ones in moderation. The primary reason for many diets to fail is that people reduce the foods that they allow themselves to eat so drastically that they feel anxious after awhile eating the same things time and time again. When you allow yourself to give into simple cravings, you are rewarding your body and making it less tempted to crave larger portions of the bad foods.

You should also eat small portions of every food, regardless of its nutritional content. Eating smaller portions will help your stomach adjust to consuming less food. You can also drink water to help you feel full. American’s especially have a habit of eating more than one portion of food per meal – so be aware of your food portions!

Call a Buddy

Studies prove that having a Buddy help you work out increases your chances of maintaining a diet, exercise routine, or long-term weight loss. Buddies are fabulous motivators. They will keep you attuned to your habits and help you feel accountable throughout the day. If you must, enlist the help of a partner to be an appointed weight loss guardian. He or she will be tasked with ensuring that you stick to your weight loss goals by encouraging you to report your progress several times a Times a week.
