Healthy Weight Loss Solution

Most of the adult population has been or currently is on some type of diet. Diets are everywhere! Every place you turn, someone is talking about a new diet. A diet that is unlike any other that came before. A diet that will change your life forever and you won't even have to exercise! The truth is there is no such thing as an easy diet. There is no such thing as a life-changing diet. If I was to be completely honest with you, I would even go so far as to tell you that there is no such thing as a healthy diet! There is a large variety of diets out there, and they all have many different aspects of how to lose weight. However, they all have one thing in common; as soon as you lose the weight and step off of the diet, (poof!) the weight comes back, sometimes leaving you with even more weight than you had before the diet! This is called the yo-yo effect, and it is true with any diet. The point I am trying to make is simply this: A diet is not a healthy weight loss solution.
There are many different ways to lose weight, but there is only one way to keep the weight from coming back. Now that we know a diet is not a healthy weight loss solution, we can move on to what is a healthy solution. The only antidote to losing weight and keeping it off while staying healthy is for you to make a change in your lifestyle. It's not as hard as it sounds, and those who choose to make a lifestyle change, actually find it quite easy after the first couple of hurdles are passed, and they don't even look back.
There are three important keys to making a lifestyle change, and they are:
  • You must have a balanced and healthy dietary plan.
  • You must adhere to a good, healthy physical activity plan.
  • You must have a change in your behavior or attitude.
All three of these things are crucial to living a healthy and long life. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off, making a lifestyle change is the only way to do it effectively. A lifestyle change is a healthy weight loss solutionLet us start with number one: having a balanced and healthy diet. Take a good, honest look at the foods you eat on a regular basis, and the amount of it that you eat. Most of us would have to answer that we are eating a lot of the wrong foods, and not in moderation! Fast foods, salty foods and baked goods are all okay - in moderation. When we are eating them everyday or several times a week however, they are not okay. Probably the most important key to learn in having healthy weight loss is moderation. Most things are okay and healthy in moderation, but everything, when turned into an extremity, is certainly not okay, and not healthy to the body, the mind or the spirit! Moderation is a must when it comes to healthy weight loss
When your stomach starts telling you that it is time to eat, carefully consider your choices. Make sure you surround yourself with good and healthy foods that are low in calories and high in vitamins and protein. When it comes time for a snack, have some veggies and dip or an apple instead of that bag of chips. Or snack on some cheese and crackers in the place of that chocolate bar. Making these kinds of choices is the first step to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Also, make sure your meals aren't left out when it comes to making those good choices. Instead of ordering a pizza or going out for a burger and fries, cook a balanced meal. If you find it hard to do this, I suggest making a meal plan at the beginning of week. That way, half of the work is already done for you. Yes, usually half of the work in preparing a meal is deciding what to prepare! Remember, cook and eat in moderation, and you are well on your way to a healthy weight loss solution.

For those whose main reason in making a lifestyle change is to lose weight, there are some options open to you that there never were a few years ago. One of these options is Proactol. This healthy and clinically proven weight loss pill is not a miracle worker, but it is certainly one of the most beneficial tools for healthy weight loss in the world today. Proactol not only helps the body lose weight, but it also maintains other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. This doctor recommended medication has also been proven to increase joint flexibility, lessen aches and pains and improve concentration and energy levels. Proactol helps with healthy weight loss by lowering the body's food cravings and decreasing your appetite, making it easier to control your food intake. This also helps you in the learning to eat with moderation. Take Proactol after each meal and you will find that it greatly helps with achieving a healthy lifestyle.

The next step to changing your lifestyle is making a good physical activity plan and sticking to it. This goes hand in hand with one part of the third step, which is setting achievable goals. Too many people want to reach the stars right away when it comes to exercising and losing weight. However, like we have already talked about, everything must be in moderation. Exercise is good, but when it is turned into an extreme, it is not good. Pace yourself. Start off slow, and work your way up from there. Rome wasn't built in a day, and if the builders had had the attitude that most people have towards exercise, Rome would never have been finished! Achieving healthy weight loss is not done too quickly either, or it is not beneficial to the body. Make a reasonable exercise plan for yourself, and try to include someone else as well. Studies have shown that when we exercise with other people. We are much more likely to stick with it, than if we exercised by ourselves. Encouragement is the key to getting into a good physical activity habit. Surround yourself with people that will encourage you and hold you accountable to your lifestyle change. Try out a few different fitness programs and see which one fits your life the best.

The third and last step to improving your lifestyle and reaching a healthy weight loss solution is a behavior or attitude change. We have already talked about setting achievable goals, and the next part of this step is education. Instead of eating all of the wrong foods and then feeling awful about what you are doing to your body, educate yourself with information such as the energy value of the foods you eat and what kind of nutrients they possess. Making a lifestyle change is more than just choosing the right kinds of foods. You must also change your mind. This simply means that you have to change the way you think when it comes to food, your health, and your lifestyle. Sometimes this also means that you have to figure out why you eat, what you eat, and when you eat. Keeping a journal is a great way to do this. Write down everything pertaining to eating. Keep a track of what foods you eat at what times, but also write about why you ate those foods at those times. Sometimes it may be just because you were hungry, but many people eat when they're stressed or emotional, and discovering this about yourself is the first step to changing how you deal with stress and other problems in your life. Change your mind. Change how you eat, when you eat, and what you eat. Change how stress affects your life, and learn how to deal with it more effectively. Eating doesn't make any problem go away permanently.

One more key to changing your lifestyle and maintaining your goal of healthy weight loss is to conduct regular self "check-ups." By this I don't mean the kind of check-up that a doctor would give, but a check-up of lost weight, periodical BMI checks, and of how much you body itself has shrunk since making these changes. Some people like to take measurements of themselves in the areas like the waist, hips and thighs, on a continual basis, such as weekly or monthly. One of the best encouragements is progress. When you see how far you've come already, it is a wonderful boost of confidence and motivation to keep you going. It won't all be a bed of roses however, but when you find yourself feeling down, remind yourself why you are doing it, and how much you have already done. Remember, once your lifestyle change is complete, you will be well on your way to reaching healthy weight loss.

A webmaster of Proactol Weight Management Through Dietary Fat Binding website.

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Get Healthy And Give Healthy: A New Trend In Gift Baskets

Eating foods that are "nutritious and delicious"--as many slogans declare--is great for health conscious people, and by giving healthy gifts you can help encourage good eating habits.It only makes sense that healthy gifts are becoming more and more popular. There seems to be a health kick of sorts going on right now for many Americans.

Believe it or not, if you have ever looked at a food chart indicating the portions of the different kinds of foods to eat daily, you will see fruits and vegetables at the top of the list. Recommended by doctors and nutritionists, fruits and vegetables are the foods we should be eating the most.

Unfortunately, many Americans eat less fruits and vegetables than they do any other type of foods on the food chart pyramid. This is another reason that healthy gifts are a good idea, because you can encourage friends and family to develop better, more nutritious eating habits.

When you get a healthy gift or gift basket for someone you know, fruits and vegetables are great to include, but there are also very healthy kinds of foods to choose from. Many healthy gift baskets contain granola bars or other snacks with essential grains and nuts for energy.

Especially people who are very active will appreciate such gift items as trail mix or, as I mentioned before, granola bars, energy bars and dried fruits and nuts.

The greatest thing about healthy gifts is that if you frequently purchase fruit baskets you are already giving away healthy gifts. But there are many more options for specific kinds of healthy gifts you can choose from as well. You can find the very best selections of healthy gifts online if you just know where to look for them.
And, of course, healthy gifts can also include healthy items that are not for eating.

For example:
You can get a kid healthy gift baskets with some sweet fruits to eat, but maybe some toys that will encourage him or her to exercise more. These items such as jump ropes, hopscotch games, a soccer ball or basketball, even kits for games like capture the flag.

Children have tons of energy to burn, and yet, they are exercising less and less. Playing sports and other games are not only ways to stay healthy and fit, but they are also extremely fun. Kids do not realize, as they are zoning out on the sofa, all the fun they are missing out on.

You can also purchase healthy gift baskets for your adult friends with exercise tapes and accessories, nutrition guides and so on. So just because you are getting someone a healthy gift--that does not always mean to get them healthy foods--even recipes are included with some healthy gift baskets.

Therefore, healthy gift baskets are suitable for anyone and everyone. When you purchase healthy gift baskets as presents for any occasion, you are contributing to the improvement of health concerns all over the country. If you give away healthy gift baskets you will not be sorry you did.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on nutrition and health please visit Healthy Gifts or visit Gifts for Health [].

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How to Lose Weight For Better Health

Less than 5 years ago, I was working the corporate treadmill - you know, the kind that absolutely does not help you lose weight? In fact, it positively helps you GAIN weight - with the long hours, incessant travel, too much time spent in airports and cars with not much to do, and so on. One day, I woke up 60lbs heavier and feeling it and I knew that I HAD to lose weight for better health if I was going to enjoy life at all.
What I soon found though was this is a LOT easier said than done! With the best will in the world, the sad fact is that the vast majority of us that start a diet quit - and most of us sooner rather than later.
I'd love this article to be all about how I lost my weight quickly and easily - but I really didn't - I tried Atkins - or the "lose 5 lbs and gain 10 the following weekend" diet as I came to know it. I tried Slimfast - but those shakes kept me full about as long as it took for me to walk from the house to the car each morning - then I was snacking on the way to work... And so it went on. Lose weight for better health? Walking on the moon seemed more likely!

If you're reading this - nodding your head, but wondering if I have any good news - keep reading...!

Today - I have lost over 50 of those pounds, and I keep it off. Better yet, I eat the things I enjoy and I stay around this weight - I'm not going to tell you I'm perfect, but I am in control of my weight, not the other way around! So I do have good news - it IS possible to lose weight for better health and keep it off!

So what's the secret? Well, whether you follow one of the well-publicised programs, sign up for meal replacements or simply have iron discipline (that last one's not me!) - the main principle is always the same - you have to have a plan that puts everything into your body that it needs every day, but without all the calories and toxins that it DOESN'T need. And there's the real problem - in the modern world, especially around that corporate, high stress job, that's not easy - especially if you don't have a lot of experience.

And let's face it - if you had experience, you wouldn't need to lose weight for better health anyway, right??
Here's my REALLY good news - I came across a program on the internet called Strip That Fat - this program lays it out for you simply step by step exactly how to change your lifestyle and your eating habits to lose weight and keep it off long term AND still enjoy things! And because this is a lifestyle shift - it doesn't matter if you need to lose a couple of pounds quickly, or if you are looking for a bigger, longer term change like I was (or even more - no problem!) - this program will only help you to achieve your natural, slim self - it will not force your body into an unnatural, unhealthy state.Having spent a LOT of time myself looking for a way to achieve just this - I am very excited to tell you that yes, YOU can lose weight for better health, and you can start today!

Gary Bailey - keeping the weight off and feeling great!! []

5 Simple Tips How to Maintain Health

Good health is what all people want. You can not perform everyday activities if you feel something wrong in any part of your body. Health is considered the over-all wellbeing that the body can achieve. To achieve healthy life, take into account the lifestyle and usual routine activities that contribute to your physical and mental health. And to guide you come up with ways to maintain you health, consider the following tips.

Tip 1. Eat right kind of foods. Choose among different food groups that contain 40 kinds of nutrient your body needs. Ensure that you include whole grain, vegetables and fruits in your diet which promotes easy elimination and control of body weight. More so, this will provide you important vitamins and mineral essential to fight back illnesses. You may also follow dietary guidelines recommended if you are able to research.

Tip 2. Take control over your weight and keep it within range. Being able to succeed in weight management brings you closer to achieving healthy life. Learn to watch what you eat and ensure that your food intake is moderate. By doing this, you can also get rid of some lifestyle diseases such as type II Diabetes Mellitus and other cardiovascular complications.

Tip 3. Regular exercise. Provide opportunities where you can exercise as often as possible. You may start from the very basics such as walking, jogging and swimming. Exercising regularly will not just burn your calories but will also bring blooming effect into your skin and help strengthen your muscles and bones. It is also believed that doing this can help eradicate toxins inside your system.

Tip 4. Hydrate with right amount of water. It is always recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water daily to promote proper body circulation. This also helps you get rid of dry skin and cracked lips due to excessive inadequacy of water intake. Hydration also ensures than accumulated toxins in your body will be eliminated.

Tip 5. Reward and Victory. Reward yourself when something good has been accomplished. Pampering yourself with relaxing massage or treating yourself with material things are just as good as giving yourself motivation to persevere more. Celebrate every victory and try to live and enjoy life up to the fullest.

Michael has been writing articles online for 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health and weight loss. But he also is a co founder of a website: Audio Technica Headphones [] info dot com, where he review Audio Technica ATH-ANC1 Headphones []

Probiotics - A Better Option For Maintaining Health

Prevention is better that cure. We've all heard that old chestnut, but it seems in today's quick-fix world, many people place their health in the hands of others after they become ill. Busy lives and tight schedules have forced many to disregard responsibility for their own health. When they become ill or run down, a trip to the medicine cabinet for a pill or potion to sooth the symptoms is the option that is increasingly becoming the norm.

The pharmaceutical industry markets 'magic bullets' to solve the problem. Watch just an hour of TV to discover the many ads for what are really synthetic concoctions that mask or alleviate the symptoms of dozens of complaints.

These drugs rarely rectify the problem completely. In the case of 'heart burn' one can consume huge amounts of 'antacids' and never be free of that burning pain. A skeptic might deduce that if one were really cured, then the medication would no longer be required! God forbid!

On the other hand, Probiotics have grown in popularity by both alternative and conventional health practitioners. The positive studies grow monthly for the health benefits of keeping our intestinal bacteria balanced. Probiotics (the opposite of antibiotics) replace and rebalance the good bacteria in our bodies. This in turn, helps to strengthen our immune system to ward off disease and to maintain our health by producing enzymes that help absorb nutrients from the food we eat.

Our bodies are made up of millions of cells and billions of bacteria. Get the bacteria out of balance and everything goes to pot! Between 70% and 90% of the immune system is produced in the stomach. This vital intestinal flora can be killed off by:
o antibiotics
o preservatives
o fertilizer and pesticide residue on foods
o food additives
o synthetic vitamins
o chlorine (as in tap water)
o stress
o carbonated drinks
o steroidal and hormonal drugs

In a study conducted by the Institute of Sport in Canberra, Australia and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers gave 20 elite long distance runners either a placebo or a Probiotic bacterium lactobacillus fermentum for a period of 2 months.

During the trial the athletes had to record the symptoms of winter illnesses which included coughs and runny noses. The placebo group experienced 72 days of symptoms of sickness, while the Probiotic group recorded only 30 days.

Blood tests taken on both groups showed that the Probiotic group had twice the levels of an immune chemical known as interferon gamma than the placebo athletes.

In another study, this time at the Helsinki University Hospital in Finland, researchers gave pregnant women Probiotics in an effort to improve the immune systems of their newborns. The researchers wrote "Our results support the idea that Probiotics and prebiotic may enhance immune maturation and protect infants against respiratory pathogens"

The women were treated with a mix of 4 Probiotic bacteria for the last 4 weeks of their pregnancy. The newborns were treated with the same mixture plus a prebiotic for the first months of their life. A prebiotic fosters a healthy environment for the Probiotic, this is known as 'symbiotic treatment' The mothers filled out questionnaires at regular intervals and the babies were examined at 3 and 6 months and then at age 2 years. It was found that 28% of the placebo group had been prescribed antibiotic, while only 23% of the probiotic group had. Respiratory infections per child in the probiotic group were 3.7, but in the placebo group the number was 4.2.

There is a lot of confusion in the market place regarding the abundance or 'count' of bacteria in various probiotic products. Many companies claim their product has 'billions' more bacteria than their competitors. These claims are blatant sales hype. Bacteria live and work in colonies, if the companies claiming superior products, shake the colonies apart to improve the 'count' they render the probiotic useless as the bacteria must be able to multiple in colonies and produce all the sub-strains necessary to maintain a healthy intestinal flora.The reproduction ability of the bacteria in the gut is the single most important factor in a probiotic product.

Warning signs of a bacterial imbalance include:
o allergies and food sensitivities
o difficulty losing weight, sugar/carbohydrate craving
o frequent fatigue, poor concentration
o faulty digestion, acid reflux and other gut disorders
o chronic yeast infections
o bad breath, gum disease and dental problems
o painful joints inflammation, stiffness
o acne, eczema and foot fungus
o constipation or diarrhoea

The presence of active bacteria in the gut aid digestion by helping to break down foods. To attain health benefits attributed to Probiotics, live active bacteria need to be consumed regularly. It is believed the life span in the human body of these cells is 3 to 10 days. Only the active forms have the ability to tolerate the acidity of the stomach and the alkalinity of the intestine to produce health benefits.
You may want to seriously consider the inclusion of a Proboitic into your daily routine to maintain and improve your immune system and therefore your overall health.

After 30 years in the 'beauty' industry, Karen Armitage was astounded to find that the cosmetic companies she had trusted included toxic ingredients in the products they produced and marketed. You will never believe a skin care promotion again once you have read her reports at

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How to protect yourself in the cold season

How to protect yourself in the cold season

The Cold weather brings with it a mollify of smiles, the prototypic snowfalls and, regrettably, vasoconstrictor and flu outbreaks. Patch everyone added is misery, there are structure you can micturate it finished the period unscathed

It is estimated that a cardinal people crosswise Northeastern Usa will accept to the bleak virus this gathering, says Medline. Considering there is no cure for insensate and flu viruses, bar relic a individual's mortal alternative at fending off frigid and flu. There are diametric precautions to swan that can better protect you against feat displeased or at littlest lessen the rate and severity with which polar and flu strikes.

Although there is no legerdemain nutriment to move that testament prevent you from catching a refrigerated or the flu, there are ways to improve your odds.

Work your hands the honorable way. Work your guardianship often relic the single-best way to save viruses and microorganism that can egest you displeased from infiltrating the embody. Work your hands for at slightest 20 seconds can effectively shift any ordure, grime and occult invaders.

Spring medication products. Because colds and the flu are the prove of viruses, which are varied in conduct and system from bacteria, they testament not be killed off with the use of bactericide products. What you may win in doing is earnings off any healthful bacteria on your hands as fountainhead as creating insusceptible bacteria that descriptor with over-use of antibiotics and medicament products.

Get the flu shot. There is no vaccination to prevent the vernacular old, but there are immunizations that can ameliorate reduce your risk of effort the flu or assist disparage its inclemency. Doctors' offices, clinics and flatbottomed pharmacies all furnish reference flu shots.

The Town City-County Health Department is currently giving flu shots for those with or without contract. An naming is required to get a flu shooter. You can play 740-592-4431 to schedule one.

Use sanitizer on items around the house. Surfaces that are oft touched by all members of the unit should be wiped kill with a antiseptic fluid. A bleach-and-water resolution is an impressive sanitizer. Surfaces to sanitize countenance phones, doorknobs, livid switches, unlikely controls, machine keyboards, faucets, toys, and countertops.

Refrain displeased fill. states that flu viruses and colds can jaunt up to 12 feet (from a sneezing or expiration). Kine country of anyone exhibiting symptoms, especially someone who is oftentimes sneezing or exhalation. Parents should enter children bag from edifice if they are displeased. Do so until symptoms weaken so as not to taint others.

Use a sanitizer creation. The Centers for Disease Prove and Bar counsel that when hand-washing is not pronto procurable, a best way to termination germs is to use an alcohol-based sanitizer lotion. Spell not as impelling as work hands in excitable, soapy irrigate, sanitizing products can be old in a pinch while you're on the go .Cough into your sleeve. Rather than coughing or sternutation into your safekeeping, do so into the flex of your elbow since this extent rarely touches anything added..

Skip the hit meal. Buffet-style offerings are convenient and render difference, but they are also a acculturation paint for illnesses. These foods may get been sneezed or coughed on. Also, the delivery spoons feature been coloured by oodles of people.

Good Fish Oils For Good Health

Good Fish Oils
Most people know that consuming good fish oils rich with omega 3 fatty acids can enhance both physical and mental health. Studies have shown that health benefits of a fish oil is almost endless as both a preventive and a treatment for a variety of conditions.

What Can Those Good Fish Oils Do For You?
For those of you who might not have heard about what the fatty acids can do for you, here are a few of the benefits of those omega 3s.
  • Improves the condition of hair and skin
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Lowers triglyceride levels
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Helps treat and perhaps treat heart disease
  • May help in the prevention of diabetes
  • Contributes to joint health and reduces the inflammation of arthritis
  • Slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Can help reduce symptoms of various menta

While the list of benefits can go on and on this shortened list should at least give you some idea of just how healthy those omega 3 supplements are for your health. However, knowing what a fish supplement can do for you and knowing what to look for in fish oil is not the same thing. Here is how to get those oils and those omega 3 fatty acids.
Eating Fish Vs. Taking Supplements
The health benefits you receive from fish oils are linked to the omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3's are essential to good health and keeping your body performing as it should. However, the omega 3 that are most necessary for good health are only found in certain varieties of sea food with the largest amounts in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, Hoki, sardines, and other such fish. Unfortunately, consumers don't eat as much of this kind of fish as they need to get those omega 3 fatty acids because many of these fish contain high levels of heavy metals, toxins and other pollutants due to the contamination of our oceans. This makes, eating these fish risky for your overall health.
For that reason medical professionals are suggesting that rather than risk eating the contaminated flesh of these fish, people get their omega 3 fatty acids through fish supplements. However, you need to choose a supplement that contains good oils. Here is how to find such supplements.

  • Look for supplements that state the species of fish the supplement is made from. Make sure the oil is made from those species of fish known to have levels of fatty acid.

  • Look for those oils from fish that are caught in waters with the least pollution. Choosing a supplement which gets their oil from fish caught in the Southern ocean off the coast of New Zealand ensures that the fish are almost free of dangerous pollutants.

  • Make sure the oil rendered from the fish has been purified and the company is willing to show you the results of the laboratory tests from their current batch of oil. These lab results will allow you to be sure that the supplement you are taking is safe as well as effective.

  • Avoid those oils with synthetic additives or coloring and those which use fillers. Fillers reduce the amount of omega 3 fatty acids you will be getting per dose.
Choosing a good fish supplement made with good fish oils can help you live and feel healthier than you may have though possible.
Discover the benefits of the most Natural Supplements. Larry Jensen is a strong believer in Natural Remedies and supplements and has written many informative articles about them. For much more information visit his website at
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