Free Weight Loss Tips: What You'll Need To Get Started On Your Goal

When it comes to free weight loss tips, it's not the "magic cures" that you should pay attention to, it's the real, solid advice that will set you on a healthy track for the rest of your life. And when you're starting a new weight loss goal, anything that'll make things easier on yourself is worth trying. With that in mind, here are 5 steps you should take at the start of your weight loss journey.

1) Buy A Scale: This is the first of the free weight loss tips and it's a very important one. You'll need to keep a scale not only to keep track of your weight, but also scales for the kitchen to weigh out proper portions of food. Many of us overeat when we don't strictly measure our portions!

2) Find Support: If you can find an exercise and/ or dieting buddy then you'll have support to continue even when things are at their most difficult. Studies show that dieting alongside someone else makes it a lot easier to meet your targets and set up healthy new habits. If there really isn't anyone who wants to join you, one of the best free weight loss tips is to at least confide in others and share specific goals that will keep yourself accountable.

3) Get A Notepad: You need a notepad to note down the foods you're eating, and even the exercises you're doing if that helps. Although it can be tedious, knowing exactly what goes into your body helps you to improve things little by little. You can also use your notepad as a place to vent if you're feeling frustrated, and to reinforce your goals to help motivate you to continue.

4) Go Through Your Cabinets: If you're going to be dieting then you don't want to have temptation all around you in your home. So go through all your cabinets and get rid of food that will lead you astray and won't serve you well. Then go shopping and buy plenty of healthy snacks, like fruit, that you can have on hand whenever you're feeling peckish.

5) Choose An Exercise Program: Now that you've got everything else sorted, it's time to work out the kind of exercise you want to do. Although you'll have to make sacrifices and sometimes do things you won't enjoy, you can cater your exercise to what feels best for you. This could mean starting by walking every day, or running x amount of miles on the treadmill. Whatever you do, make sure you put it into a solid plan!

Learning How Not To Worry: Breaking The Habit

Learning how not to worry is something many of us wish we could do. The truth is, we can. Although worry is inevitable in some situations, most of us worry far more than we need to. Worry has simply become a habit and, like all habits, it can be broken!

Understand Whether Worrying Can Be Productive

There are two types of worry. The first is the kind of worry that's good for us, that makes sure we take care of things we need to. The second kind of worry is just a waste of time and leads to mental exhaustion - this is the kind of worry over things that we have no control over.

Think carefully about what you're worrying about. Learning how not to worry means learning how to differentiate between the two types of worry. If it IS something you can do something about, make sure you take steps to do that. If you sit there doing nothing you'll only keep worrying. If you know you've done all that you can, and there's nothing more you can do, keep telling that to yourself to put it out of your mind.

Set Aside Dedicated Worry Time

If you find that you've got a lot of things on your mind, and they are legitimate things to worry about, try setting aside dedicated time every day to do the worrying. This could mean waiting until your partner is home from work so you can discuss productive solutions together, or it could simply mean taking half an hour to worry each day so that you'll feel a little better ignoring your worries later on.

Catch Yourself When You're Worrying

Learning how not to worry isn't always easy - many of us get carried away with worrying without even noticing! Sometimes we can be doing one thing and suddenly find our thoughts wandering, or we start looking up things on the internet related to our worry. Unless this is going to do something to solve a problem, it's a waste of time.

But how do you catch yourself? It is going to take practice. If you find yourself worrying at work, put a post-it on your computer or your desk. It doesn't have to say "stop worrying" - it could be as simple as a picture of a smiley face to remind you to take control of your thoughts again. You also need to be actively looking for worrying thoughts. You won't always catch worry out quickly, but you'll gradually catch yourself sooner and sooner.

Remember, learning how not to worry takes practice. At first you might not think that these strategies are working, but with practice you'll find that taking your mind away from your worries is easier and easier.

3 D's of sleeping pills

After reading this, I hope you can still sleep well. Sleep-inducing medicines, popularly known  as sleeping pills, have a reputation of helping people get some peace and quiet at night.  Sleep deprivation is such a difficult condition to have since it literally zaps a person's energy to do the more important things in life, at work and at home.  Specifically, it is used by chronic insomniacs who desperately need to get that well-deserved rest.  Insomniacs often flip over the hundreds of cable channels each night hoping to get tired enough to sleep.  For them, it does not matter if they sleep in from of the t.v. as long as they do get to sleep eventually.  But t.v. surfing loses its effectiveness after a few nights, leaving the insomniac up and awake the whole night, and, yes, bone-weary the next morning. Manic workloads, job-related stresses, and the ever-toxic idea of work itself leaves a person with no other option but to trust the “fast” relief. Studies show that people who are prone to stress and other everyday worries are the ones who would most likely resort to the use of sleeping pills.  Other studies, however, also show that long-term use of sleeping pills could cause unwanted side effects or health problems.  People who often take refuge or rely mostly on these sedatives are more prone to negative effects and even life-threatening situations as:

*Degradation of activities

    Studies prove that continuous use of sleeping pills can reduce brain cell activity, affect short-memory term and cause hang-overs. The aftermath of taking these sedatives may seem manageable, but in the long run, these effects may escalate into more serious problems such us forgetfulness and lack of focus. You wouldn't want to report to your workplace with confused and groggy, right? Also, it's a bad thing to forget certain work errands just because of sleeping pills.              

    Just like how the body forms its natural defense through the production of antibodies, the body may also develop an immunity to the drug.  The frequent intake of a certain drug would lessen the potency of the active ingredients. Eventually, the user would have to take higher doses of the drug, and be open to the risk of developing a drug dependence or addiction. Sleeping pill addiction is, in fact, fast becoming a common health concern.                    

*  Death

    People who use sleeping pills have undeniably higher mortality rates than those who don't. Sleep apnea patients are advised to refrain from taking sleep-inducing pills. As sedatives, sleeping pills tend to lengthen the pauses in breathing when one is asleep.  This situation can jeopardize the health of people with sleep apnea.  Every year, many cases of death are attributed to the effects of these drugs.   

    As the saying goes, we can buy luxurious bed but we can never purchase a good night's sleep. This proverbial statement just proves that many people are really struggling to board another express train to Dreamland. And the struggle goes on.  For some people, a good night's sleep is like a rare commodity. The artificial inducement of sleep may be necessary but caution must always be exercised to prevent sleeping pill overdose.  Getting some “shut-eye” with the help of a pill or two need not lead to the sleep of death.

3 “Must Do” - Steps To A Happier & Healthier Day

Losing weight and maintaining the weight loss for an extended period of time requires some simple lifestyle adjustments. As long as you keep your adjustments within a sustainable reach, you should be able to lose weight and keep it off without much shock and interruption to your daily life.

Not surprisingly, losing weight does not have to require extended trips to the gym or engagement in some fad diet. Here are there steps to a healthier day that can help you slim down on weight without slimming down on your free time.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise can make a difference in your body shape and in the way your body processes calories. When you exercise, you work your heart, mind and body. You are building your muscle mass, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of your metabolism.

Additionally, you encourage your heart to pump blood throughout your body more effectively, which means that you will have healthier blood and a reduced risk of heart disease. You reduce fatty deposits, which in turn helps reduce your risk of many health problems, such as diabetes. You also increase the number of endorphins that flow through your body, which means that you will note an increase in your positive attitude.

It does not require a large amount of time exercising to receive all of the above benefit. You simply need to workout regularly for a minimum of half an hour. Working out means taking a two-mile walk at a fast pace, throwing a Frisbee or riding a bicycle. Whatever the workout is, keep in mind that it should elevate your heart above it standing heart rate and it should make you breathe slightly heavier than normal. It is also good if you can break a sweat or feel your muscles challenged.

Eat All Things in Moderation

When you are trying to lose weight or sustain lost weight, it is vital that you allow yourself to eat all foods, but eat the unhealthy ones in moderation. The primary reason for many diets to fail is that people reduce the foods that they allow themselves to eat so drastically that they feel anxious after awhile eating the same things time and time again. When you allow yourself to give into simple cravings, you are rewarding your body and making it less tempted to crave larger portions of the bad foods.

You should also eat small portions of every food, regardless of its nutritional content. Eating smaller portions will help your stomach adjust to consuming less food. You can also drink water to help you feel full. American’s especially have a habit of eating more than one portion of food per meal – so be aware of your food portions!

Call a Buddy

Studies prove that having a Buddy help you work out increases your chances of maintaining a diet, exercise routine, or long-term weight loss. Buddies are fabulous motivators. They will keep you attuned to your habits and help you feel accountable throughout the day. If you must, enlist the help of a partner to be an appointed weight loss guardian. He or she will be tasked with ensuring that you stick to your weight loss goals by encouraging you to report your progress several times a Times a week.

10 Ways To A Healthier and Better You

Article Body:
Copyright 2006 Eva Moffat

1. Lose Weight 2. Take More Exercise 3. Eat sensibly, with a well balanced diet. 4. Look after your heart and it will look after you. 5. Increase your energy by speeding up your metabolism. 6. Be kind to yourself.  Make time for you. 7. Be positive.  Your thoughts are what make you what you are. 8. Enjoy Family Life, join in games and go out as a family.   9. Improve your knowledge; you are never too old to learn. 10. Drink more water, there are no calories in water.

Lose Weight

Lose weight by going on a safe weight loss plan.  Just by losing weight, you will feel better and healthier. You will look good and feel great.  That should be your Mantra.  ‘I look good and I feel great.’

The main thing is to set your goals so that you lose weight, surely, safely and you will like what you see in the mirror.  People will start complimenting you.

And you will be able to wear clothes you pushed to the back of your wardrobe, as they had shrunk. You might even find you have a brand new wardrobe.

Take More Exercise

If you are able, do more exercise to burn the calories.  Walking is extremely good. Or put on a CD and dance to the music. Don’t put on fast music that you can’t keep up with.  You don’t want to die of exhaustion.

Exercising will help you lose weight, increase your energy, and you will get the feel good feeling as your endorphins will come into play.  Endorphins are your friends.

Eat Sensibly With A Well Balanced Diet

Eat a well balanced diet. Or if you do not eat as you should, use supplementation.  Few people eat a well balanced diet. So by taking supplementation you will be getting all the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts that your body needs.

Look After Your Heart and It Will Look After You

Your heart is the one thing that keeps you alive. Look after it and it will look after you.  If it is too late and your heart is giving you problems eg High Blood Pressure, you need to take Omega 3, 6 and 9.  Capsules are readily available from your Health Food Shop.

And most importantly, if your GP has prescribed medication, keep on taking them regularly, no matter how well you feel.

Increase Your Energy

Increase your energy by eating foods that help speed up your metabolism.  Using the Mediterranean Diet is ideal.  It will also help you to lose weight.

The Mediterranean Diet means you will be eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones.

Be Kind To Yourself by Making Time For You

Pamper yourself every so often. Love your self.

Spend an evening manicuring your nails, use a mudpack.

Put on your favourite music, or watch a video.  The point is to choose what you want to listen to or watch, not what someone else tells you to do.

Get someone to give you a massage. Aromatherapy can be very beneficial.

You may have to promise to give him or her a massage in return.  But not on the same night as your pampering session.

Be Positive.  Your Thoughts Are What Make You What You Are

Keep a positive mental attitude.  Don’t let negative thoughts take over your mind. When this happens, think of something good instead.

Keep telling yourself you feel wonderful, even if you don’t.  If you tell your subconscious mind something enough times, as it does not reason, it will believe it to be the truth.

Enjoy Family Life

Enjoy family time. Show your family that you love them.  Play games with the kids.

It is said that a family that play together stay together.

And arrange things so that you can spend an evening alone with your partner.

Improve Your Knowledge

Never stop learning.  Be like a child, keep asking why.  Curiosity does not kill the cat; it just makes it cleverer.

Drink More Water

Drink enough water to flush the toxins out of your body.  Also not drinking enough water can cause you to be constipated.

10 Powerful Keys To Healing Yourself

1. Be Present

Live in the now. The past is gone. You can never go back and make it right. You can never re-live a life that was yesterday. Live positively in the present moment, no matter what is occurring. It is All right and perfect. Do not look ahead and dread what may come. Our mind creates a lot of chatter and makes us afraid in order to keep us safe. Tell your mind "Thanks for sharing" and affirm "I am here, I am present". You are always at choice and you know how to make this day beautiful.

2. Nature

Sit on the lawn or next to a tree. Feel the pulse of the earth, the grandeur of the sky, the coolness of the breeze on your face, or the warmth of the sun on your face. Smile at nature, say hello to the bugs and all the animals you meet. Take a walk in a park or hike on a trail.

3. Exercise

Daily exercise gives you a break from your mind chatter, helps pump your heart, circulates your blood, clears toxins from your body, charges you with energy and has many other benefits. Choose an activity that is fun and mix it up. Do walking one day and yoga another day. Take a Tai Chi class and meet new people. The list of possibilities is endless.

4. Spirituality

Recognize and know you are important and unique. Meditate, or sit quietly, and be in the moment. Read books that are uplifting and have positive messages. Give thanks for your health, your home, your friends, all the joy and happiness in your life and all the good that surrounds you.

5. Forgiveness

It is time to let it go. Forgive all parts of yourself to be whole and perfect. Forgive yourself for any past mistakes or shortcomings; forgive the child within for being afraid; forgive the teenager that spoke words of anger; forgive the young adult for not being a risk taker. Forgive others in the past. Forgive your parents, your siblings and relatives. Let go of all grudges. Forgiveness is about coming to peace within yourself.

6. Bubble Bath

Give yourself permission to relax and savor quiet times. Read a book for fun. Spend that extra money and get a massage or a facial. Do something selfish for yourself.

7. Nutrition

Listen to your body. Feed it good nutritious food. Take a high quality multi-vitamin or a liquid supplement. Most health challenges can be reduced or eliminated with a dietary supplement.

8. Let Go of Judgment

Give up judgement and give up blame. Never speak critically of others or yourself. Speak words of encouragement to yourself and everyone you meet. Accept everyone for who they are and embrace their differences.

9. Service To Others

Reach out and lend a hand to a friend in need. Offer unconditional service to others. Be a great listener and really listen to people when they speak. Find ways to help others to lift their spirits and help lessen their burdens.

10. Love

Love yourself and use positive words of encouragement. Compliment strangers and make others smile. Speak from a loving heart and shine with joy.

Copyright © 2006 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

10 Fun Ways To Become More Active – Every Day

You know you should be getting some sort of exercise, you know of all the health benefits that come with a more active lifestyle. You’ve tried the whole Gym thing, but it just wasn’t for you. The temptation to just sit in front of the TV, to curl up with a good book, or to spend a little extra time at your computer is just too big. Who wants to head to the gym right now anyway?

There are many other options to get more active that don’t include jogging, weight lifting or other “traditional” ways to work out. Here are a few ideas to get you moving

1) Chase your Kids around the Yard
You’d be surprised at how much of a work out you’ll get playing catch with your kids. Time will fly while you are having fun and your children will enjoy the extra time with you. Just get out there and play.

2) Turn up the Music and Dance around the Living Room
While you’re dusting, putting up dishes, straightening up the kids’ rooms, or after you’ve been sitting around for too long, just play some of your favorite upbeat music and dance around in the house. Not only will you get your heart rate up, but you’ll also have more fun doing some of those chores.

3) Plant some Flowers
When the weather is nice, just get out there and plant some flowers. Or you could start a little vegetable garden, trim some hedges, cut the grass, or plant a tree. You get the idea. Just get out there, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, and play in the dirt. Yes, this actually counts as exercise in our book.

4) Go for a Walk with a Friend
Take a walk and invite a friend to come along. I’ve had some of the best conversations while on a walk. Getting to chat with a friend makes the time fly by and before you know it you’ve been walking for 30 minutes.

5) Listen to some Music or an Audio Book while You Walk
Again, keeping your mind on something else will make the time fly by and you’ll get some extra fun out of your walk. You may even want to consider getting an MP3 Player. You can easily add what you want to listen to and go for your walk.

6) Sign up for a Yoga or Pilates Class
Consider starting a yoga or Pilates class. Both of these workouts are pretty low impact and won’t leave you sweaty and sore (mostly). You may also enjoy meeting some new people in the class.

7) Take some Dance Lessons with your Partner
Ok, here is the tough part: Convince your partner to take some dance lessons. Dancing will give you quite the workout and it’s just plain fun and of course romantic. Think about all your options here. You can pick from anything from Ball Room Dancing, to Line Dancing, to Latin etc. Pick something that sounds fun to you and go for it. You’ll enjoy the extra one on one time with your partner as well.

8) Go for a Swim at Your Local YMCA or Aquatic Center
Swimming makes for some great exercise. It is low impact and easy on your joints. Start by swimming a few laps, or play in the pool with your kids.

9) Go for a Bike Ride
Take the entire family on a bike ride. You can ride through your neighborhood in the evenings or plan a longer trip for the weekend. Pack a picnic for extra fun and start peddling.

10) Go for a Hike
Look for some hiking trails in your area and go for a hike. This could be a fun activity for you and a friend, or take the entire family along. Start with some easy trails and work yourself up to some longer or steeper trails.

Go ahead, pick one or two of the activities and get moving. I’m sure you’ll come up with plenty of versions of your own. The most important thing is to find something you enjoy, so you’ll stick with it. Get out there and get moving today.

First Trimester Pregnancy Health Tips: What To Do About All Those Symptoms

First trimester pregnancy health tips are always so varied thanks to the fact that everyone experiences pregnancy differently, both physically and emotionally. One thing's for sure, though: just because your bump may not be visible to anyone else, it's certainly making a noticeable impact on your life even in the earliest stages!

Dealing With Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most commonly reported symptoms during a first trimester pregnancy, probably due to the fact that your body is going through so many hormonal changes. It can actually last all day, and can be very bad for some women. To help improve things you should drink plenty of water, and avoid fatty foods. It goes without saying that you'll want to avoid anything that makes you feel sick by simply thinking about it or smelling it! You can also try candied ginger or ginger tablets to help you feel better. If you can't keep anything down, including liquids, then it's vital that you consult a doctor.

Tender Breasts

One of the earliest first trimester pregnancy symptoms, even before missing a period, can be a feeling of tenderness in the breasts. They're simply preparing to produce milk for your baby, but this can be quite uncomfortable for you. Try wearing a supportive bra to ease discomfort.

Increased Urination

As the uterus starts to press on your bladder you may find that you need to urinate more often. This could be inconvenient, or even make it difficult to sleep as you wake up to urinate during the night. To help prevent this, drink less in the evenings and try to reduce your caffeine intake. Always go when you feel the need, however, as this will help prevent a urinary tract infection.

Mood Swings

Most women will find their emotions fluctuating when they’re pregnant. This is a combination of factors, from changing hormones to the increased responsibility and financial pressures to come. If you're anxious about something in particular, such as labor, then get informed and ask questions. If you're generally feeling low, then try sleeping longer, eating healthier foods, taking a walk or simply talking it through with your partner.

Other Symptoms During The First Trimester And Beyond

Pregnancy symptoms aren't limited to those listed above - far from it! Other common symptoms include heartburn, a sore back, difficulty sleeping and headaches. Every woman is different and you may experience very few symptoms, or less well-known symptoms such as bleeding gums, carpal tunnel, leg cramps, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It isn't easy being pregnant!

Visiting Your Health Care Provider

When you first discover that you're pregnant, it's important to visit your health care provider. They will go through a number of areas with you to help assess your health and to work out whether any current medication could harm the baby. They will also give you some tips on watching your health, and schedule regular appointments with you throughout the pregnancy. You should let them know if you're concerned about any of your first trimester pregnancy symptoms.